Luksuzna vila z neverjetnim pogledom na Brioni

  • Cena na zahtevo
Predstavljeno Naprodaj
Istra, Pula
Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden. Exceptional villa with magnificent view on Brioni island, offers infinity pool, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, sauna, wine cellar, beautifully manicured garden.
  • Hiša / Vila
  • Vrsta nepremičnine
  • 4
  • Bedrooms
  • 4
  • Kopalnice
  • 240
  • 818
  • Zemljišče m²
  • 2020
  • Leto zgrajene
Predstavljeno Naprodaj
Luksuzna vila z neverjetnim pogledom na Brioni
Istra, Pula
  • Cena na zahtevo


Luksuzna vila s čudovitim razgledom na otoku Brioni se nahaja v majhnem mestu v bližini Pulja, blizu morja in je obdana z oljčnim nasadom in borovim gozdom.
Zaradi južne usmerjenosti vile je v notranjost veliko dnevne svetlobe in čudovitega razgleda na arhipelag Brioni.
Vila se razprostira v treh nadstropjih in ima 240 m2 bivalnega prostora ter je opremljena z dizajnerskim pohištvom.
V pritličju vile sta dve prostorni spalnici z lastno kopalnico in dostop do dišečega vrta s prostorom za sončenje.
Savna z dodatnim tušem je v istem nadstropju kot vinska klet. Vse sobe v pritličju vile imajo dostop do čudovitega sredozemskega vrta.
Na vrtu ob prostoru za sončenje je jedilna miza in več počivalnikov v senci oljk in limonovcev. Posebno vzdušje na vrtu zvečer dopolnjuje čudovita ambientalna osvetlitev, ki nežno poudari lepoto vile in vrta.
V medetaži vile je spalnica z lastno kopalnico in garderobo, v prvem nadstropju pa je impresiven dnevni prostor.
Sodobno zasnovana in opremljena kuhinja, jedilnica in prefinjena dnevna soba so gladko povezani s pokrito teraso. Na terasi je profesionalno opremljena zunanja kuhinja.
Na terasi je čudovit neskončni bazen s panoramskim razgledom na okolico.
Bazen ima tudi del za hidromasažo in se razteza po celotni dolžini vile.

Večeri na terasi so posebni, saj ambientalna zunanja osvetlitev bazena in terase ustvarja posebno vzdušje.
V istem nadstropju je še ena spalnica s kopalnico in garderobo.
Vila je opremljena s talnim ogrevanjem, ventilatorji in klimatsko napravo. Na dvorišču so parkirišča za več avtomobilov, vila pa ima video nadzor.

Ni tisto, kar iščete? Kontaktirajte nas za individualen pristop in diskretno storitev iskanja nepremičnin po meri.


  • Koda nepremičnine : ONE193
  • Cena: Cena na zahtevo
  • Velikost nepremičnine: 240 m²
  • Velikost zemljišča : 818 m²
  • Bedrooms: 4
  • Kopalnice: 4
  • Leto zgrajene : 2020
  • Vrsta nepremičnine : Hiša / Vila
  • Stanje nepremičnine : Naprodaj






Energijski razred

  • Energijski razred : A+
  • | Energijski razred A+
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  • mesto Pula
  • Območje/okrožje Istra

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